Sunday, November 16, 2014

Blow them away

Here is another artwork, it is done on a peice of wood given to me by my dad, yah I like the colors and the paper bubble things. 
Also!! I have created my etsy store and am working on putting all of my artwork on so you can start buying them!!! Hopefully some of them will be put up today! I will put a link when I put a few up for sale!! 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Splendid adventure

This is one of my first art pieces thati did on a board of wood, I got it from my dads work. If you are interested in buying it, contact me at 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Art for sale!!!!!

Hey everyone!!! I am hoping to start selling my art! If you are interested in any of them please email me at thanks!! 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Not a little girl

So this one is inspired by the Paramore song "Grow up" It is something I've been trying to do since it is my senior year this year and I am soon going to college, I am not a little girl anymore so I have to suck it up and grow up.

Friday, August 15, 2014

The art

Here is one that i had a lot of fun doing, the background is hand prints from my actual hand. it's not my favorite page, but definitely my favorite process.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Elegant spilling

So this one has a story kinda, so I had accidentally split blue paint on a bunch of my paper, a lot of it was like scrap booking paper which isn't super cheap. So I decided to make it into something pretty and yeah, so I used a quote from my favorite actress Audrey Hepburn.

Ordinary Art

I really like the background on this one, and it was hard to find a quote or something to put on it, but I really like how it turned out.

Monday, August 11, 2014

I am set free

Here we have a painting based on I think an All Sons & Daughters song "I am set free" I just really liked the song and the message and I like the messiness of this page.

Radioactive art

Here is an art thing based off of Imagine Dragons song "Radioactive", its a little more grungy than I normally do and the lettering isn't the best, but I like it.

The fault in our art

Here is something I made using mostly watercolors. The quote is from John Green's book "The Fault in our Stars"
Hello internet! My name is Ally and this is my blog. I am just going to share the art that I make, it is mixed media art. So yah, let me know if you like it or what you think, thanks!!